Team BBQ

A “Team BBQ” led by Prof. Olfa Kanoun within the context of team-building activities to strengthen the bond between the international members and boost the cultural exchange within the team. This get-together was a chance for the colleagues to get to know each other outside the working environment and unwind. Team-building is a great opportunity to bring everyone together and ensure the success of any working team.

The Chair of Measurement and Sensor Technology organizes the 2019 Team BBQ.

NANOfIM 2017

Nanotechnology for Instrumentation and Measurement Workshop (NANOfIM 2017)

NANOfIM 2017 takes place in Gautam Buddha University, India from November 16, 2017, to November 17, 2017. It offers a forum for discussions and exchange in the fields of Nanotechnology, Instrumentation, Environment, Optimization, Power, Energy, and Control. The scope is not limited but expandable to applied interdisciplinary fields also. The institutional organizers are the Gautam Buddha University Greater Noida Uttar Pradesh India. We welcome you to witness this technology centenary. Sponsored by the IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Society with technical sponsorship of the IEEE Nanotechnology Council.

All presented papers will be eligible for post-publication in IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience and Measurement Science Technology (IOP). All contributions will be peer-reviewed on the basis of a full-length manuscript and acceptance will be based on quality, originality, and relevance. Accepted papers will be published in the workshop proceedings and a post-workshop publication, on international reputed journals, is foreseen.

Topics, dealing with measurements and instrumentation, and correlated themes will include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • General and dedicated devices
  • Fabrication and characterization of sensors and transducers
  • Nanoimaging
  • Signal and image processing
  • Metrology, reliability, and testing
  • General and ad hoc instrumentation
  • Nanotechnology and plasma
  • Biomedical applications
  • Environmental applications
  • Industrial applications
  • Automotive
  • Mechatronics
  • Nanomedicine
  • Light and lightning
  • Nano-optics and Nanophotonics
  • Packaging and Nanomaterials
  • Networking
  • Modelling
  • Bio-molecular and Biotechnology
  • Power Electronics & Drives
  • Renewable Energy & Management
  • Aeronautics and aerospace

Key dates:

Full paper Submission Deadline June 30, 2017
Acceptance Notification Deadline September 15, 2017
Camera Ready   Manuscript Deadline September 25, 2017
Conference Registration Deadline October 5, 2017


NANOfIM 2016

NANOfIM 2016: Nanotechnology for Instrumentation and Measurement Workshop), 8-9 September, Chemnitz, Germany

The international “Nanotechnology for Instrumentation and Measurement Workshop” (NANOfIM) takes place from 8. to 9. September 2016 in the lecture hall building of the Chemnitz University of Technology. It is organized by the Chair of Measurement and Sensor Technology of the TU Chemnitz and the University of Salento (Italy). The program offers a framework for lectures and poster contributions on topics in the field of nanotechnology. The conference will focus on the development and production of sensors, transducers, and measuring systems based on nanomaterials, their characterization, as their applications, for example in biotechnology, electrical engineering, and medicine. The keynote speakers have already been confirmed: Prof. Dr. Christofer Hierold (ETH Zurich), Prof. Dr. Lukas Eng (TU Dresden), Prof. Dr. Thomas Seyller (TU Chemnitz) and Prof. Dr. Bernhard Roling (Philipps University Marburg).

Until 30. June, interested parties are invited to submit papers for oral or poster presentations. These contributions are then reviewed (peer review process). The conference contributions will be published in a referencable conference volume with ISSN number. As part of a post-publication, selected authors will also be given the opportunity to submit a more detailed version of their work for publication in an internationally established IEEE Journal or Book Series to be published.

Students of the TU Chemnitz are also invited to submit poster contributions of their scientific work. A “Best Student Poster Award” will be presented as part of a student competition. “This gives students the opportunity to present their work to a national and international audience of experts and to make new contacts,” says Prof. Dr. Olfa Kanoun, holder of the professorship for measurement and sensor technology and organizer of the workshop. She hopes to present the TU Chemnitz as an interesting place to study to a broad specialist audience and at the same time to arouse more interest in nanotechnologies among students.

The workshop is technically and financially supported by the Technical Committee 34 “Nanotechnology in Instrumentation and Measurement” of the IEEE Instrumentation Measurement Society.